
Teacher: Emilio Gonzalez -


DHMS Instrumental Music Program



The instrumental music program is an exciting elective that introduces students to a wide variety of instruments and a plethora of music to learn from. Students can enjoy learning with their peers how to create a bond, teamwork, and create music. Music selections include movie titles, video games, folk songs from all around the world, and many more. There are four bands ranging from beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. Don’t know how to play an instrument or read music? Start your musical journey with Beginning Band! Already have experience with an instrument or two? Continue your musical learning experience with Concert Band, or audition to jump to Wind Ensemble! Looking to swing up some tunes? Join the Jazz band during the Spring on the after-school rehearsals! You’ll not only learn to read and play, but you’ll also learn to take the stage and perform in front of a live audience!